Emigrare.info was a great source of information for the Romanian emigrant, with crowd sourced real world advice. It ran from 2003 or so to mid 2019, when it died. We thought it would be good to bring it back so this helpful resource would once again be available. But, we are making a few changes:
1. This time we are going to have the main site in English, with Romanian as an available translation.
2. We aren’t going to revive the forum. Anyone who knows much about forums these days will tell you that they are hard to run due to all the spam posts from automated software. You can win the battle against the bots, but it takes a lot of time, which we don’t have.
3. Instead of the forum, we will run a blog. We will solicit guest posts from knowledgeable people who have practical immigration experience to share. We can police that much better.
So if you would like to get in touch you can. Until we rebuild the site, take care, and we look forward to reconnecting.