The list of suburbs in Auckland, with an approximate classification according to the quality of the area (higher property prices / rents give a better classification) taking into account the level of crime, the quality of houses, schools and shopping centers.
I have tried as much as possible to eliminate subjectivism from this classification and I hope I will not offend anyone. I apologize in advance and accept the criticism (relevant …). The classification below does not take into account the proximity / distance from the possible job, the facilities for spending free time and other such details.

Legend :
1 – not recommended (bad area)
2 – it works, but …
2/3 – ok for a start, but I would move elsewhere
3 – it’s almost good, clean, quiet, the neighbors are ok, but schools for example leave much to be desired
3/4 – is what I recommend to anyone with children.
4 – same as above, only a little more expensive
5 – if you won the lottery, most likely you will buy your house here

AL Albany 4
AV Avondale 1
BB Blockhouse Bay 2
BE Beachlands 4
BR Browns Bay 2 / 3
BU Bucklands Beach 4
CB Campbells Bay 3
CBD Central Business District 4
CH Cheltenham 5
DE Devonport 5
EL Ellerslie 3
ET East Tamaki 1 / 2
GB Green Bay 1 / 2
GD Glendowie 4
GI Glenn Innes 1
GL Green Lane 2 / 3
GR Grafton 3
HE Henderson 1 / 2
HO Howick 4
HV Hobsonville 1 / 2
LA Laingholm 2
LB Long Bay 3
MA Maraetai 3/4
MB Mission Bay 5+
MD Meadowbank 2
ME Mount Eden 3 / 4
MG Mangere -1
MK Manukau 1
MN Manurewa 1/2
MR Mairangi Bay 2/3
MT Mount Roskill 2 / 3
MW Mount Wellington 1 / 2
NC Northcote 3 / 4
NE Newmarket 3
NH North Harbour 2
NL New Lynn 1 / 2
ON Onehunga 1 / 2
OR Orakei 5
OT Otara -1
OW Orewa 2/3
PA Pakuranga 2/3
PC Point Chevalier 3/4
PK Papakura 2
PL Parnell 5
PM Panmure 2
PN Penrose 2
PO Ponsonby 4
PP Papatoetoe 0
RE Remuera 4
SH St Heliers 5+
SJ St Johns 1 / 2
TA Takapuna 4
TB Tor Bay 2
TE Te Atatu 1
TI Titirangi 2/3
WH West Harbour 1 / 2

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